Macquarie University

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2018: Social media for researchers


In this workshop you will learn; why social media is important in the academic world, which social media tools are most effective, how to find ‘your people’ – methods & strategies and what recruiters look for in a social media profile.

We are delighted that Professor Bridget-Griffin Foley will introduce the workshop and talk about her experience with social media. Bridget is the author of four books, as well as a field defining reference work "A companion to Australian Media" and she has broad experience in journal publishing. Bridget is the founding director of Centre of Media History and is on several industry boards. 

There are numerous social media platforms and in this workshop the focus will be on Twitter and blogging as well as an overview of New Library tools including; Altmetrics, SciVal and Mendeley (more intensive training is available via the library).

You will leave the seminar with an understanding of the elements that need to be considered when using social media platforms. These practical steps will guide you in establishing a positive social media profile which can broaden your network and enhance your employability. 

Date: Friday 30 November 2018
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Graduate Research Students

Venue: M 4.02 Library Training Room
Facilitator(s): Alana Hadfield & Susan Shrubb
Registration for this workshop is not open.