Fitness to Practice Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
(1) This Procedure outlines the process for managing the progression of students enrolled in practical, clinical or professional (PCP) courses with Fitness to Practice (FTP) requirements. It describes the steps required to identify, notify, support, monitor and review students who experience FTP issues in their PCP courses, as well as the actions for excluding those students who fail to meet FTP requirements.
(2) This Procedure applies to all students enrolled in a course listed in Schedule 3: Practical, Clinical and Professional Courses with Fitness to Practice Requirements of the Academic Progression Policy (Schedule 3 Course).
(3) This Procedure does not specifically address:
- behaviour that may constitute a breach of the Student Code of Conduct managed under the Student Conduct Rules and Student Conduct Procedure; or
- Inherent Requirements (see Appendix 1 of the Admission Policy).
Section 2 - Policy
(4) Refer to the General Coursework Rules and the Academic Progression Policy.
Top of PageSection 3 - Procedures
(5) Students undertaking a Schedule 3 Course are required to demonstrate they meet the following four Fitness to Practice (FTP) attributes:
- conduct (required professional behaviours): students must ensure that their conduct is within the bounds considered acceptable and worthy of membership of the profession;
- performance (required competence): students must demonstrate a performance standard consistent with professionally accepted standards appropriate to their stage of learning;
- health and/or disability (freedom from impairment): students must demonstrate awareness of their own health and ensure any condition/disability or injury does not provide unacceptable additional risk to themselves or others; and
- compliance (compliance with eligibility requirements): students must comply with the relevant rules, regulations and standards for practising as a student, provisional or full member of the profession.
(6) Course-specific FTP requirements must be defined and approved by the relevant Faculty Board. Such requirements must be made available to prospective and enrolled students through publication in the University Handbook.
(7) Prior to enrolment in a Schedule 3 Course with FTP requirements, students will be required to acknowledge the following responsibilities:
- understand and meet the FTP requirements of the course;
- self-identify and seek support where there is a risk of not meeting an FTP requirement;
- actively participate in intervention strategies if required; and
- use the support services offered to them when an FTP issue is identified.
(8) Students, peers, academic staff, partner organisation staff or members of the public who become aware of a potential FTP issue can confidentially report this to the University through the secure portal or directly to the Faculty.
(9) Once an issue has been identified, the Faculty or the Course Authority (as appropriate) must investigate the circumstances of the report and will:
- dismiss the report;
- issue a written FTP “at risk” notification to the student outlining the reasons with reference to the FTP attributes, next steps and consequences of not meeting FTP requirements;
- refer the student to support services; and/or
- seek permanent exclusion of the student from the Schedule 3 Course under the General Coursework Rules if the issue relates to an FTP attribute(s) that is not amenable to change in the short or medium term.
(10) If the FTP “at risk” notification is related to an attribute(s) amenable to change, the Course Authority and the student will develop a remediation plan, which will be implemented and monitored.
(11) If, after a period of remediation, the Course Authority determines that there has been no substantial improvement, they can initiate an exclusion process for the student from the Schedule 3 Course under the General Coursework Rules.
(12) If the Faculty/Course Authority seeks permanent exclusion for the student from the Schedule 3 Course, a Show Cause Panel of at least two members will be convened by the Deputy Dean, Education and Employability.
(13) The Show Cause Panel will provide the student with the opportunity to make a case as to why they should not be permanently excluded from the course and will be conducted according to the principles of procedural fairness.
(14) The Show Cause Panel can recommend:
- permanent exclusion, specifying the reasons and under which provision of the General Coursework Rules;
- deferment of a decision; or
- continued enrolment in the Schedule 3 Course with FTP requirements, with additional remediation and monitoring.
(15) The Faculty Executive Dean will receive and review a recommendation of the Show Cause Panel. If the recommendation is permanent exclusion, the Faculty Executive Dean will determine to either:
- dismiss the recommendation; or
- endorse the recommendation.
(16) If a recommendation of exclusion is endorsed by the Faculty Executive Dean, the Faculty Authority will refer to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or their Authorised Agent for a final decision to either:
- dismiss the recommendation; or
- approve the recommendation.
(17) An approval of exclusion will be communicated to Service Connect by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or their Authorised Agent. Service Connect will action the permanent exclusion of the student from the Schedule 3 Course in the relevant systems and notify the outcome to the student and the Faculty Authority.
(18) A student recommended for permanent exclusion from a Schedule 3 Course may be eligible for an exit award.
(19) At all times in the process, appropriate privacy considerations and records must be maintained (see Privacy Policy and Records and Information Management Policy).
(20) A student may bring a support person (other than a legal practitioner) to any meeting regarding FTP issues.
(21) A student can appeal an exclusion decision under the Academic Appeals Policy.
Top of PageSection 4 - Guidelines
(22) Nil.
Top of PageSection 5 - Definitions
(23) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Procedure:
- Authorised Agent means an officer or employee who is authorised in the Delegations of Authority Register to exercise a Delegation for and on behalf of a Delegate.
- Course Authority is the staff member assigned by a Faculty or the Macquarie University College to perform certain roles at a course level, for example Course Director, Head of Department, Program Director.
- Faculty Authority is the staff member/s assigned by a Faculty or the Macquarie University College to perform certain administrative roles.
- Fitness to Practice (FTP) means acceptable professional behaviour, professional competence, freedom from impairment, and compliance with course-specific requirements needed for a student to practice properly and safely throughout their practical, clinical or professional (PCP) course.
- Schedule 3 Course means a course listed in Schedule 3: Practical, Clinical and Professional Courses with Fitness to Practice Requirements of the Academic Progression Policy (Schedule 3 Course).